albums from a few of the Toneburst events:
Toneburst crew circa 1998.
photo album
<<rewind<< took place september 22nd 2000 at massachusetts
college of art.
photo album
a toneburst crew installation show, october 1998 at the "distillery"
in south boston
music series" photo album
summer 1998, central square, cambridge, ma.
style" photo album
"child style" took place july 25th, 1998 at the boston childrens
" photo album
the toneburst crew performed at the "earmarks" opening on
july 3rd 1998, an openig for a sound installation show at massachusettes
museum of comtemporary art in north adams ma.
toneburst collective cd release party" photo album
march 14th, 1998 at the cornelia st. cafe in greenwich village.
will play" photo album
"we will play" took place february 20th, 1998 at massachusetts
college of art.
and beats" photo album
"tricks and beats" took place october 31st, 1997 at massachusetts
college of art.
photo album
"junk" (jungle vs punk) took place september 26th, 1997 at
the villa victoria in boston.
lounge" photo album
"sci-fi lounge" took place april 25th, 1997 at massachusetts
college of art.
photo album
"toneburst" was the first toneburst event to take place in
boston. it all happened december 20th 1996 at the ane-designfront 57
in allston section of town. the first toneburst event was held two months
earlier in glochester ma. apparently we have no images from that event.
toneburst images photo album
portraits, flyers, and other toneburst imagery.